

KFMBC Products Category


Flour Mills established in 1961 followed by expansions in the productive capacity and increasing in the production lines according to the growing demands on the mills products. The company performed further expansions in 1975, when the Bran Pressing Factory was established.

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The macaroni factory founded in 1969 to produce macaroni and vermicelli. Due to the size of growing demands, the production lines were increased, and developed to meet the predictable demand over the coming years.

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The biscuit factory, founded in 1970, due to the growing demand, the production lines were expanded and renovated to achieve higher production capacity exceeds the current rate of demands and enhance the company’s ability to market the biscuit products to foreign markets broadly.

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The Oil and Vegetable Ghee Factory founded in 1976.The factory’s production capacity increased over several stages due to the growing demand. The factory comprised of the following divisions:
1- Refining Factory: To refine the raw oil and render it edible
2- Metal Can Factory: To manufacture metal cans used for packing of the factory products
3- Packing Division:

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KFMBC Products Category


In1978, the Articles of Association of Kuwait Bakeries Company approved to produce and distribute various types of bread. In 1988 Kuwait Bakeries Company and Kuwait Flour Mills Company, were merged in one entity.

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Sabhan Central Bakery was founded in 1979 is the first of its kind in the Middle East region due to work according to the latest technology. Sabhan bakery acquired the ISO 22000:2005 certificate and currently ranks as one of the global bakeries.

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KFMBC Products Category

Gluten Free

Kuwait Flour Mills and Bakeries Company has opened a factory for Gluten Free products. And it is considered the first of its kind in the Middle East. The opening of the factory is part of KFMB’s commitment to social responsibility, and its role in achieving food security for all segments of the Kuwaiti society, including Celiac patients who suffers from wheat allergy, especially with the increasing number of cases detected, which had recently multiplied. Now these cases can enjoy the availability of the gluten-free products sold nationwide.

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Animal Feed

The animal feed factory started production in 1996. The factory’s establishment was an ambitious step by the company to achieve its mission in the field of food security for the State of Kuwait, and based on the company’s beliefs that livestock are one of the food security elements.

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KFMBC Products Category


Based on our ambitious expansion plan and to expand our customer base, the company began producing fresh (artisanal) Bakeries in its new branches (Al-Yarmouk, Fahd Al-Ahmad, Saad Abdullah). This new section of fresh (artisanal) bakeries offer customers a different tasting experience with unique products:

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